Preparation H Hemorrhoidal Ointment

Preparation H® Hemorrhoidal Ointment. Prevents further irritation: Prompt, soothing relief from painful burning, itching and discomfort. Shrinks swollen hemorrhoidal tissue. Protects irritated tissue. Relieves internal and external discomfort. Uses: Helps relieve the local itching and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. Temporarily shrinks hemorrhoidal tissue and relieves burning. Temporarily provides a coating for relief of anorectal discomforts. Temporarily protects the inflamed, irritated anorectal surface to help make bowel movements less painful. Questions or comments Call weekdays 9 AM to 5 PM EST at 1-800-99PrepH or 1-800-997-7374. For most recent product information, visit ©2011 Pfizer Inc.